Rule 34

By Anonymous - 02/09/2015 15:26 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, I let my 9-year-old daughter use my tablet while I made her dinner. A few minutes later, she let out a blood-curdling scream. Turned out she'd searched for My Little Pony pictures and stumbled upon a drawing of Rainbow Dash giving another pony a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 512
You deserved it 5 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

install a blocker to hide XXX content. all children's shows nowadays are being corrupted by the internet. hopefully she isn't traumatized


This is why pony **** is not okay. Grown men can watch the show, that's fine, but making **** of children's characters is a whole other story..

OMG, that poor kid. I didn't find **** of my favorite shoes until my teens

Looking up kids shows online seems to he risky these days since sick ***** get online and start sharing these kind of pictures.

MLP is the reason for rule 34... YDI for letting av kid use an unsecured internet access to look up MLP pictures

A_lonesome_soul 22

This is why safe search is a thing

A similar thing happened to my six year old sister. She was printing pics to colour in and was really upset even though she didn't understand what she saw she told us "I can't get that nasty picture out of my head" how a grown man can ********** to animated horses from a show for little kids just confuses and disgusts me. They even have my little pony sex toys the sick bastards.

I'm sure that's traumatizing for her. People take innocent young kid things and make them dirty. little porny. sorry. bad joke. I'll leave

I'm so used to the shit I see online that I forget simple stuff like that can freak people out lmao