Rule 34

By Anonymous - 02/09/2015 15:26 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, I let my 9-year-old daughter use my tablet while I made her dinner. A few minutes later, she let out a blood-curdling scream. Turned out she'd searched for My Little Pony pictures and stumbled upon a drawing of Rainbow Dash giving another pony a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 510
You deserved it 5 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

install a blocker to hide XXX content. all children's shows nowadays are being corrupted by the internet. hopefully she isn't traumatized


If one more person dislikes a comment that's explaining that all bronies don't like clopping I'm going to scream. I hate mlp but don't be an asshole about it and blame everyone, they're trying to explain, why dislike it?

I'm amazed so many people are amazed at the **** thing. This exists in all fandoms. Hell, Pokemon might be the worst offender in this regard. Anyhow, YDI. Don't leave them unsupervised, and don't let them search without content filter.

Wow that must be traumatizing. I hope that she's okay.

K3719er 9

Safe search? Switch it on? Parental control? Switch it on? Content blocker ? Install it??