Road rage

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Germany - Mannheim

Today, my car is still in the shop, so I asked my psycho brother to drive me to the mall. He sped up to nearly 20 km/h over the speed limit, so I shouted for him to stop before he got us both killed. He hit the brakes in the middle of an intersection, and wouldn't move again until I got out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 629
You deserved it 8 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

20 km/h over the speed limit and you're freaking out? ydi for being an annoying backseat driver

loserboii 11

If he's your older brother he's doing it right.


Llama_Face89 33

For those who are wondering 20 km per hour is about 12 miles per hour... Such a speed demon...

citymayer 7

Except it was 20 km/h OVER. So we really don't know the actual speed limit.

12 over is pretty common where I'm from.

CharresBarkrey 15

12 over is about what I drive normally, even more on freeways. OP needs to calm down.

yeah op would have died if he were me my dad and older brother both drive fast

Yeah, who needs speed limits anyway. It's not like driving 20 km over the speed limit increases the chance of killing someone. Oh wait, it does.

It depends. Past 50 km/h a clear majority of pedestrians die from impact, so I doubt the difference between 70 and 90 km/h makes that much of a difference. The majority of crashes not involving pedestrians are single car collisions here as well, so that's that.

olpally 32

Ricky bobby? I wanna go fast! Lol. What a dick.

Perhaps OP's brother was all jacked up on mountain dew? I wonder if OP got out and yelled "help me jesus, help me Allah, help me Jewish god, help me Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise, use your magical powers to help me" Shake and bake!

olpally 32

30- yes!!! I can only hope that happened! Lmao xD

BlueFlatts 20

Maybe I'm missing something, but why get out of the car at all? He'd be the one getting in trouble for sitting in the middle of an intersection.

My guess is that OP didn't want to die in a crash caused by being stopped in an intersection.

You're in Germany, I heard they have some of the best drivers around. If you knew he was psycho why did you get into the car? The mall probably could have waited until you got your back.

No one likes a back seat driver OP :)

He's doing you a favor in the first place. Close your eyes and stfu.

20 km/h and your freaking out? that's nothing unless the speed limit is 20 km/h

I no that speeding law in Germany are very strict but 20 over the limit is normal in most of the world

At first i thought Op was just another over reacting whiny bitch, but then I saw op was a guy... Just grow a pair man, 20 km/h over is nothing. I don't encourage hazardous driving, but unless it was a 30/40km zone - you should shut up and mind your own business!