Road rage

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Germany - Mannheim

Today, my car is still in the shop, so I asked my psycho brother to drive me to the mall. He sped up to nearly 20 km/h over the speed limit, so I shouted for him to stop before he got us both killed. He hit the brakes in the middle of an intersection, and wouldn't move again until I got out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 629
You deserved it 8 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

20 km/h over the speed limit and you're freaking out? ydi for being an annoying backseat driver

loserboii 11

If he's your older brother he's doing it right.


I would have stayed in the car, he is stopped in the middle of the intersection...I would have been interested to see how THAT played out.

just throwing this out but he was probably only doing it to scare you if you stop freaking out he will most likely loss interest and find some other way to make you scream like a girl

Well, you would probably have a heart attack if someone you rode with played, "Double the Limit". It's only dangerous at 50+ though. If you're not texting like a freaking moron while driving. Also, look up Rally Cross! THAT is how to learn to drive!

Well even though I would be annoyed with OP I wouldn't stop in the middle of an intersection...unless she was like this all the time or something

I probably would have gotten out but unless I was in a hurry I imagine I would have taken y time

OMG, Almost 20km/u, so less then that, most likely not even 15km/u, so not even 10mph and you start shouting? You are the psycho here. Yes speed limits are there for a reason but shooting to the driver is more dangerous then this speeding. Where the speed limit is 50km/u most people drive 60km/u my guess is he is just going with or just a little ahead of the flow and you are a scared wuzz who should not be driving, yes driving is serious but not for scared people also

I think it all depends on where you are, but most of the places around where I live the roads aren't straight and it's just dangerous to drive very fast here - either for your own sake or for the sake of other. 10 km over is totally fine most of the time, but not "almost 20". It also depends on the weather a lot.

"So I had ask"? shouldn't it be "asked"/"to ask" or am I totally off, since no one else pointed it out? I've noticed you appreciate when people point mistakes out on other fml posts.. :)

Haha, thats how my sister drives.. But I personally think its fun! Next time just close your eyes, relax, and act like youre on a ride!