Randy Mandy

By Anonymous - 20/06/2021 23:01 - United States - Steele

Today, I was eating lunch with my grandmother when a very muscular young man entered the restaurant. As soon as he walked in, my 70-year-old widowed grandmother looked at him and said, out loud, "Ooh, eye candy!" Everyone in the restaurant began staring at us, and the poor guy's face was red as a tomato. FML
I agree, your life sucks 997
You deserved it 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm a 67 year old lady. I still think like that when I see a nice looking man, no matter the age. I wouldn't say it out loud, (unless I was with friends, and he would never hear me say it). I went through that when I was younger, (yes I was a hottie), and I know what that felt like when I heard it.

bobsanction 18


bobsanction 18

Come on, let grandma live a little :)

I'm a 67 year old lady. I still think like that when I see a nice looking man, no matter the age. I wouldn't say it out loud, (unless I was with friends, and he would never hear me say it). I went through that when I was younger, (yes I was a hottie), and I know what that felt like when I heard it.

F your life, f that guy’s life, f the restaurant people’s life because they had to witness that… and maybe even f your grandma’s life because she’s too clueless to realize that’s inappropriate

You mean to tell me, an entire restaurant didn't openly giggle at a sweet little old Ladies excitement? Where do y'all live that people are so humorless?