Baby fever

By Anonymous - 26/02/2024 14:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I agreed to babysit my baby nephew for a week while his parents flew abroad for the MIL’s funeral. I had hoped having a baby around might convince my wife to consider having kids. Nope. She got so sick of the baby, she moved into a hotel until my sister comes home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 231
You deserved it 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for trying to change your childfree wife's mind. Double YDI if you knew she was childfree when you got married.

Triple YDI if she did not know of your babysitting agreement ahead of time.


YDI for trying to change your childfree wife's mind. Double YDI if you knew she was childfree when you got married.

Triple YDI if she did not know of your babysitting agreement ahead of time.

Look, even people who love having their own kids don't always like other people's kids. And babies are a ton of work no matter whose they are.