What a headache

By heckinfrick - 08/10/2020 08:01

Today, it was the day of the doctor's appointment that I've been waiting for for eight months. I woke up with a fever and had to reschedule. The next appointment is next year. Guess I have to put up with my daily migraines until 2021. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 292
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is it such a long wait? It might be worth going to the ER/A&E if they're severe


Why is it such a long wait? It might be worth going to the ER/A&E if they're severe

Right, let me get this straight. You didn’t go to the doctor since you were sick?!? WTF?!?

Brigfture 7

I wouldn’t wait for a goddamn appointment I’d kick his door down if I had daily migraines lol

finalyearsofhate 22

So.. you wouldn't go to the doctor because you're sick? Isn't that the exact place you want to be when you're unwell?

since I was my son's age I've had to put up with daily migraines. when my mother finally thought it was a good idea to take me to the dr and maybe there was nothing wrong with my glasses we began over a decade of drs and tests and hospital stays. not only do I have migraines I have occipital neuralgia, chiari malformation, brain tumor, myofascial pain syndrome, seizures, blackouts, hietal hernia, twisted knee cap, plantar fasciatis and those are just the physical health issues. Not to mention I've been kicked off my husband's insurance until at least January. So sorry about your little migraine issue