Oddly specific thief

By Anonymous - 13/04/2020 14:00

Today, my car was broken into. What was stolen? My steering wheel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 666
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slowhandjp 16

The same thing like that happens in Japan very often.

That's one way to keep you on the straight and narrow path!


slowhandjp 16

The same thing like that happens in Japan very often.

Dam wheel bandits strike again! I thought they got locked up after that kid thwarted their plans

That's one way to keep you on the straight and narrow path!

Well, now you can finally buy a quick release steering wheel to go with the helmet and gloves!

Oh you’re lucky it was steering coverfor me that was gone

lifeis4me 20

Ordering a steering will is cheaper than buying an entirely new car