Pros and cons

By Diane Princess - 08/01/2022 20:01

Today, the guy I picked up made me bacon and a bagel for breakfast. I was so turned on by this gesture that we did it again in my kitchenette… Only this time, I was farting uncontrollably because I have celiac disease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 510
You deserved it 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Celiac would do a heck of a lot more than just farting to you if you ate a bagel. Must have been one hell of a sex session for you to forget about it.

You should have just eaten the bacon and left the bagel. If this guy has a future with you, you were going to have to tell him about your celiac disease with one end of your alimentary canal or the other.


Celiac would do a heck of a lot more than just farting to you if you ate a bagel. Must have been one hell of a sex session for you to forget about it.

You should have just eaten the bacon and left the bagel. If this guy has a future with you, you were going to have to tell him about your celiac disease with one end of your alimentary canal or the other.

If it was your kitchenette why do you have fart inducing bagels?