By Anonymous - 04/06/2018 20:30

Today, like most days, I spent my lunch break with a sandwich in one hand while typing with the other, trying to keep up with my work load, while my coworker took a nap. We're supposed to be doing the same job, but he refuses to learn most of the software. The boss is fine with this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 778
You deserved it 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zekfen 17

As long as you keep doing that, then it will continue. I suggest you bring in a pillow and blanket and snuggle up with your co-worker.

It won’t be like that for long. The lazy guy will probably be promoted to management at double the salary. You’ll have to put your sandwich on a tripod, do you can type with both hands to keep up with the extra work.


Zekfen 17

As long as you keep doing that, then it will continue. I suggest you bring in a pillow and blanket and snuggle up with your co-worker.

It won’t be like that for long. The lazy guy will probably be promoted to management at double the salary. You’ll have to put your sandwich on a tripod, do you can type with both hands to keep up with the extra work.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Then refuse to learn the software as well?

I guess the coworker made a nice dickjoke in the bosses presence some time ago and now he can let the bitches do the work.

Lobby_Bee 17

Why cover his ass during your break time? Let him fall behind and get in shit.

Tell your boss you need to take leave in a couple of months and that it’s imperative your coworker get to know the software so the work can get done while you’re away.

He won’t learn the software? Takes naps? Falling behind on work while you try to catch up? What’s his purpose exactly and what is he being paid to do? Nap?! Either you keep putting up with this shit and cover up for him and his lazy ass or you stop and when your boss points that out tell him you’re not paid to do the load of two people.

Is there someone above your boss you can complain to? If not, time to look for another job.