Party animal

By Laci - 30/04/2011 17:50 - United States

Today, I was stuck crouching over the toilet after a night of drinking. My fiancé walked in, gathered my hair, and held it out of the way. When another wave of nausea hit me and I leaned in, he shoved my face into the bowl and ran out, laughing and yelling, "That'll teach ya!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 922
You deserved it 23 214

Same thing different taste


Noob30 0

Learn the word "yours",problem solved.

Elenachka 0

Most of these commenters are teenagers. I'm sure quite a few have still gotten smashed once or twice.

Elenachka 0

Well this just sounds like something I'd do to my boyfriend. Yes, he'd get his freshly bleached panties in a bunch; and yes, I'd still laugh my ass off at him. Build up your immune system and get over it. Something WILL get you someday, but it won't be toilet water. Chill out

don't get uncontrollably drunk hoe Haha can't handle ya liquor MWAHAHAHAHA

Agree with some above. It sounds like a future abusive bit, I should know I just escaped one. GL FYL... Hope it doesn't happen again to ya...

It's alright to drink a little but for God's sake, OP, control yourself. Maybe it seems fun for now and you feel you're young and carefree, but you are going to get married and probably will start planning a family soon after - is this how you want your children to see you and have their father explain to them that mommy is okay and she's just feeling unwell? Then alcoholism shall start. Think about what you're doing. IF this is the first or second time this has happened, then that is alright but don't let it go too far - be responsible. Because the characters inserted are limited on FML, then I can only assume what happened, OP. Sorry if I'm wrong but without further detail (not saying it's your fault), I can only guess BUT I feel I am correct because your fiancé wouldn't just do that to you if it only happened once or twice.

PhillJFry 0

yeah it sounds like a common occurrence if he took it to that extreme, learn to control your drinking