Parents of the year

By ash - 15/03/2022 22:00

Today, as usual, my parents do not believe that I have schizophrenia. The hallucinations won’t stop and I still can’t get used to how scary they are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 284
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Are you too young to seek medical help without your parents consent? If not then yes it very much sucks they don’t believe you but you could still start the long winded process of getting help on your own

This is abuse. Neglecting your mental health is abuse. Talk to a school counselor if possible. Maybe just mention some of the less scary things first, because people in authority love to demonize schizophrenia. I hope you're able to get the help you need.


Nikki 17

Are you too young to seek medical help without your parents consent? If not then yes it very much sucks they don’t believe you but you could still start the long winded process of getting help on your own

This is abuse. Neglecting your mental health is abuse. Talk to a school counselor if possible. Maybe just mention some of the less scary things first, because people in authority love to demonize schizophrenia. I hope you're able to get the help you need.