Make it easy on yourself

By Anonymous - 07/10/2019 04:00

Today, I had depressive feelings, so I decided to write about it to find out what was bothering me, and let go of the negative thoughts. While doing so, I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 550
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ftpallday666 16

Don’t worry dude we’ve all been there

Go get yourself some help. A lot of employers have employee assistance programs where they offer free counseling services. Look into it and see if yours does and take advantage of it. I’m seeing a counselor for my stress, anxiety and depression and it’s helping me cope with it.


Go get you a big ol' rack o' ribs! That'll fix everything.

Hayley Parks 5

I've done this before too. More than once

Hayley Parks 5

It's because what was bothering you stresses you out and the depression is to suppress it and so when you start writing it it throws you into a panic attack

ftpallday666 16

Don’t worry dude we’ve all been there

Go get yourself some help. A lot of employers have employee assistance programs where they offer free counseling services. Look into it and see if yours does and take advantage of it. I’m seeing a counselor for my stress, anxiety and depression and it’s helping me cope with it.