It's only a bit of liquid fun, come on!

By Anonymous - 14/09/2019 20:00

Today, I asked the guy I'm dating if he could not drink on our next date, because he ends up drunk-driving every time. His response was, "This isn't working out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 767
You deserved it 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's no loss. You don't need a DUI -- Drunken, Useless Idiot.

LostSoul 19

Alcoholics are not logical in their thinking. Addicts tend to be selfish people. Unless you are in for the long haul, which means lots of stress, fights, maybe police calls, and possibly hospitals, be happy he ended it.


Hope you find a new guy. You gone lucky this time.

It's no loss. You don't need a DUI -- Drunken, Useless Idiot.

And you let him!? You’re lucky nothing’s happened so far then.

Wadlaen 23

As a man who was nearly killed by a drunk driver some years ago, I'll say you should look for someone with a better attitude towards driving and safety in the traffic...

ViviMage 38

I had my foot and ankle run over by a drunk driver and was thrown to the pavement! She was slurring an apology, but if I had a camera or even a cell phone then 911 would have a field day!

LostSoul 19

Alcoholics are not logical in their thinking. Addicts tend to be selfish people. Unless you are in for the long haul, which means lots of stress, fights, maybe police calls, and possibly hospitals, be happy he ended it.

ViviMage 38

Logic is a "program" that is too expensive for the brain to run when you are drunk, sleep deprived, or dreaming. Everything you said is very true. It's hard to stay with someone who is selfish and destructive.

CaitOlivia94 15

If he's drunk and in the drivers seat and you didn't 1. get out 2. report him to the cops 3. insist on driving then you need to be more persistent and proactive regarding your safety.

Major_Haywire 7

And you’re sad about that?!?