Noped outta there

By SmileEveryday - 17/03/2009 20:44 - United States

Today, I decided to ask my friend to the school dance, which is one where the girls ask the guys. I spent hours placing signs down his street so he would see them on his way home. As I was waiting in his driveway with balloons, I saw his car reverse and go in the opposite direction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 042
You deserved it 20 405

Same thing different taste


Ok... that was sweet. A little creepy but sweet... didn't really think that one all the way through did ya hon? He's just an asshole... (Haha zing_master that was clever. :D)

deliciouskaek 1

that reeks of stalking. i'd have done the same thing, and i'm female. next time just call him.

wrestler_fml 0

You went overboard. Guys prefer a girl who is willing to put out, not a girl that comes off as creepy and clingy while still seeming immature at the same time. That's what you get for doing that and seeming too obsessed. Remember- the key is the "push-pull" method. You pull him in by acting sexy, and then while still talking to him, gently push him away by acting like you could do a little better. Then when he has pursued you a little and is h*rny and wants you, THEN YOU GO FOR IT! this isnt brain surgery. last thing: Not only did you come on too strong, but you also probably freaked him out and embarrassed him. He REJECTED you because you came on too strong. He TURNED HIS CAR AROUND (aka didn't even come to his house) because you would embarrass him in front of the whole neighborhood if he had stopped! Get a grip on reality! Also, maybe you just don't look good enough. Not to be harsh... this is always an option. If so, work out, get a good body, get a tan, make sure your face and acne and hair and teeth are good/in check, and you should be straight. good luck wit it

effmylifexx 0
alex_vik 0

#56 - Wow, a lot of people at your school are weird.

Agree with everyone that said, "Thats creepy and very clingy" If that was me, by the time I saw the first sign, I would have left already

That's seriously creepy. Whatever happened to "Want to go to the dance with me?" It's not nearly as embarrassing to either party.

i'm guessing you're in middle or high school.. just ask a guy straight out next time.... why do you make it seem like you're gonna propose to the guy? no wonder he drove away! you deserve this one.

bigrederin 0

Maybe because the theme from Psycho started playing in his head. Seriously, like everyone else above you said. Guys don't need long, drawn out, well thought out plans. Just be like "Hey, wanna go to the dance with me?" You won't freak him out as bad next time.

FrostyNorth 0

I agree with the general point made by #65. We guys are generally not interested in intricate, super-romantic gestures like women tend to be. You're much better off using your sexuality to get him interested. I'm not telling you to blow him in the bathroom, just make him aware that you want him. Some may call that slutty, but they've just been indoctrinated into being afraid of womens' sexuality.