No future

By singlegirl - 27/11/2009 18:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to my best friend's wedding. All my friends and their boyfriends were seated at one table, while I, as the only single girl in the group, was put on a table with all the other single people. They were all over forty years older than me. I feel like I have seen my future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 604
You deserved it 3 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

lol At least your FML didn't end with "And that didn't stop them from hitting on me. FML." :P

rockhopper 0

That must have sucked for the old folks too, being lumped together with other divorcees/widowers/widows - like they need a reminder of being on their own! Your friend is really inconsiderate!


huskycheer2015 0

ur fault, shoulda got a boyfriend.

That was pretty nasty of your so-called best friend to not seat you with your other friends just because you are in between boyfriends.

Lose some weight and you'll change the future. It's like time travel, only easier.

DeathByFalchion 0

So you were "put on" a separate table probably because they didn't want you stealing their significant others. **** 'em and find some friends.

starberries 0

Are you stupid? Those people didn't design the seating chart!

What I want to know is if this was your best friend...why weren't you in the standing party? My best friend was standing for me, I didn't stick him on some singles table.

I guess we aren't too fancy where I live. I've never once been to a wedding where they assign seats, thankfully. I know it makes it more organized, but it seems like it would be so awkward...

starberries 0

Awkward? Why? Grown-ups are usually capable of conversing politely with people even if they don't know each other already.

Agreed #37. If she was your best friend then why weren't you with the wedding party or at least at a table with other people you know. Hope she at least cleared that with you first, OP.