No coffee for you

By timmyb - 02/03/2009 03:03 - United States

Today, I walked into Starbucks for a job application. I asked the manager if they were hiring, as I really need a job. He looked me up and down and replied, "NO!" There was a 'Now hiring' sign in the window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 353
You deserved it 5 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WHAT A DICK. You should go back, ask for a drink and throw it at him.

#4 - re-read the fml verrry carefully alot of places have those up and just never take them down even when they don't need people.... like the kfc near my place that has the rusted, crooked sign near the drive through.


marris 0

If your too stupid to read the sign that says we're hiring, I'd tell you "no" to. Who'd want to hand an application to someone who needed to ask "are you hiring?" when there is a "now hiring?" sign in the window. You should have been smart enough to add 1 plus 1 and realize they were hiring, and ask for an application.

Wow all of us on this blog should get together at Starbucks just to have some coffee and make fun of random people that come in the place. Or go to Dunkin Donuts to make fun of the fatties.

If you're not actively hiring the correct reponse is, "We're currently fully staffed but we always accept applications."

i work at a starbucks. they have to keep those signs up there and yes they will always accept an application and keep it on file for about 3 months. as for them not hiring you, starbucks recently closed down 600 stores in the US and they are looking to close down more. starbucks is pretty much in a hiring freeze. as bad as that is that it happened, it wasn't because of you

i really cant choose either. just know that starbucks is wack

l33tm0nk3y 0

Think about it this way: do you really want to work at a place run by such a shallow prick?

Well you're not supposed to ask a question you already know the answer too

To be fair, as far as I'm aware, all Starbucks locations, at least in my area, have now hiring signs, my own store included. The sign says "Starbucks is now hiring. Ask a manager for an application." or something along those lines. Starbucks may be hiring somewhere. Just not in our store nor in many stores around here since a lot of spaces are filled with baristas from closing stores who don't need to be trained. At least they didn't waste your time if they're not going to hire you, eh?

I used to work for Starbucks, as well as at other retail places. If you are dressed unprofessionally, most places will say "Nope!" We once had two teenage girls walk into my Sbux wearing halter tops and shorts to turn in their applications and we left a note on them saying "Dressed like they were going to a club. Do not hire." You always need to think of your appearance. I don't know how you were dressed so I'm not assuming anything, but keep that in mind. Also, NEVER ask if they are hiring. Anywhere. Just ask for an application. I've had managers tell me they don't hire people who ask that because it sounds like they're saying, "Are you hiring, because if you aren't, the application isn't worth my time." Just ask for an application, because it says, "I'm confident you will hire me even if there aren't positions open."

Oh, and no, you can't sue like many other are suggesting. You can't even prove you went there, let alone that this happened, unless you had a hidden camera on you. And, Starbucks is in a hiring freeze so the manager was actually 100% accurate in saying "No," to the question.