Never enough

By Anonymous - 22/03/2013 10:49 - United States

Today, my grandmother has been complaining that I spend too much on food, so I started cooking food from scratch. I happily showed her my recipe book and encouraged her to try a few. She then mocked me for wasting time by not buying frozen food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 859
You deserved it 3 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

If there is anything this website has taught me it is that it's impossible to please old people.

YDI for not listening, duhhh. //Sarcasm But seriously you can never win


mokielove 10
olpally 32

Old people are so stubborn and bitchy. they're supposed to be enjoying their golden years not complaining about things like this. Just keep making your food anyways, that ungrateful old hag.

I thought your golden years are when you're young, and not when you're about to die... Or is it "Golden" as in "Golden Girls"?

olpally 32

My parents refer to them as the golden years when referring or talking about both my grandmas and my aunt. Depends on how you view it. I think it's because they're retired now and they get to enjoy life more.

Golden is old. As in Golden Girls, or your golden wedding anniversary.

skyeyez9 24

Dump your plate of homemade nachos onto the bathroom floor and say "dinner is served."

Just like my granma, my brother does hanball 5 times a week, not counting the matches. First she starts a conversation telling him he need to take some time of. Ends a few mins later telling that being a keeper isnt really ttraining and that he should run more.

I think this might make more sense if I knew the rules to handball...

Run more? As opposed to riding his broom? Handball is clearly quidditch.

Grandmas can do that, it's one of the perks of getting old! We can do all kinds of things & blame it on our age, memory etc...

No. So sick of old people being allowed to be sexist, bigoted, nosey and rude. Personally, age had nothing to do with how much I respect and put up with people. If your old and mean I'll ignore or confront you as much as I would a young and mean person. (unless they actually have Alzheimer's or something that genuinely affects their mental health anf is relevant what they're doing wrong)

PrinceDarko 13

Typical grandmothers. Am sure even Bill gates grandma had something to complain about.

Grandmas never seen to know what they really want. You can never please them. Especially when they have their favorites. I get corrected all the time with something as silly as my tank top. "It shows too much boob." *Change the shirt* "Too much skin." *Change into a v-neck.* "Why black?" *face palm & wear original tank top*

TheDrifter 23

She knows, but just telling you which one of your shirts she likes would ruin her fun.

Grandmas be crazzyyyyyyyyyy!!! Yes, I know it's not grammatically correct, thank you. You should learn to love the craziness of the elderly though. They've earned the right to say whatever they want.

Why? Because they haven't died, that makes them exempt to the manners the rest of us are expected to have?