Never enough

By Anonymous - 22/03/2013 10:49 - United States

Today, my grandmother has been complaining that I spend too much on food, so I started cooking food from scratch. I happily showed her my recipe book and encouraged her to try a few. She then mocked me for wasting time by not buying frozen food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 859
You deserved it 3 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

If there is anything this website has taught me it is that it's impossible to please old people.

YDI for not listening, duhhh. //Sarcasm But seriously you can never win


Never live with grandmas if you don't want the complaining!

TheDrifter 23

It seems nobody knows how grandparents operate. "you spend too much on food" means you should cook more often instead of ordering, not that they consider you a good enough cook to cook from scratch. It's a geriatric code language, snark and sarcasm so refined that few under 30 can comprehend it.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Don't listen to her; things made from scratch not only taste better, but are better for you.

OP- Offer your grammaw a hearty serving of homemade nachos and toe cheese to be eaten pantless on the bathroom floor! In other words, ignore the cranky old biddy, cook what you like, and enjoy your life- let her suffer the consequences of being mean spirited and you be happy!

I don't understand why one buys frozen food? It tastes horrible, it is probably unhealthy and cooking from scratch is kinda fun and you can make whatever you like.

Frozen French fries are way more convenient than dragging out the potatoes (that are probably growing).

The dad of a friend of mine carves his own fries, they are delicious. But there other foods apart from fries.

fgwrxfiend 11

Some people will just find anything wrong with what you're doing no matter what it is, fml op

You can always try tricking her, by dressing up as a senior citizen, then have her try your recipes.

'cooked from scratch' by which you mean you did some proper cooking and made something that has some flavour and nutritional value. Sad to see that heating up frozen stuff is now termed as cooking.

Perhaps she'd like to try nursing home food??

Which is all frozen when it gets there...

She's giving you invaluable troll lessons. Learn to think like one. When you can beat her at her own game, you're set for life ;)