My eyes!

By shay786 - 05/05/2020 17:00

Today, I heard grunting and then realized it was my tenant with his boyfriend. When I went down to do my laundry, I caught them in the act. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 739
You deserved it 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My roommate had sex in the communal saunas before. Luckily for him, he didn't get caught.

For what? Catching them in a shared public space? Piss off.


The act of doing laundry? That's hot. Or warm. Or cold.

Exactly the landlord (OP) should be fixing those cheap laundry machines if they are grunting and making bad sounds.

My roommate had sex in the communal saunas before. Luckily for him, he didn't get caught.

I can't imagine having sex in a sauna. I'm self-conscious about sweating in the first place!

If it was with Allie, I’d be down anytime anywhere! 😘😜

Naw, as great as she is, the sauna won't work. I'll compromise and do it with her in the hot tub. PM me ;)

Why would you go down when you could hear them going down?

Lydmyers 9

How about you mind your own goddamn buisness OP.

For what? Catching them in a shared public space? Piss off.

"I wonder what's inside your butthole? Oh, it's your boyfriend..."