By Anonymous - 10/07/2019 20:02

Today, my boyfriend of a year broke up with me. All because I’m thinking of moving to the UK next year to study, and apparently, a girl he’s been thinking about for a week is a better option. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 725
You deserved it 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't make someone who doesn't want to be with you stay, so let that other girl be a " better option", because you should never be an option in the first place.

If it’s any consolation, I’ve studied in the UK and I highly recommend it. Boyfriends are a dime a dozen. Experiences are more important.


You can't make someone who doesn't want to be with you stay, so let that other girl be a " better option", because you should never be an option in the first place.

bl3ur0z3 17

She's staying local, which is one letter off from loyal. But I'm sorry, that sucks.

Well. He rather escaped before you could have done it. Sorry, he’s not the right one for what you imagined.

If it’s any consolation, I’ve studied in the UK and I highly recommend it. Boyfriends are a dime a dozen. Experiences are more important.

Susan Yee 9

It might be for the best. Some people can’t handle long distance relationship.

Mungolikecandy 19

End of the day you are about to move halfway around the world (and the U.K. is no longer the best option of places to study) so that girl may actually be a better option for him as sadly long distance relationships rarely work.