Slicey slicey

By tas2013kid - 01/12/2020 17:03 - Taiwan

Today, I found out I had three strands of pubic hair beside my nipple, so I decided to cut it off with a scissor since I'm going swimming tomorrow. In an attempt to cut off my third strand, I instead excised the cap of my left nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 409
You deserved it 1 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you homeschooled? You don't know what "pubic" means.

I sure hope you don’t have “pubic” hair near your nipple. Either your nipple is located in a very odd location, or you would just brush it off because it came from somewhere or someone else...


Ouch! Painful and clumsy! OP, from now on use tweezers.

I sure hope you don’t have “pubic” hair near your nipple. Either your nipple is located in a very odd location, or you would just brush it off because it came from somewhere or someone else...

Any hair that is wiry and course and shows up AFTER puberty can be known as pubic hair. It's not limited to the genitals.

Pubic hair is hair that grows in the pubic region, near the pubic bone. Aka, your crotch.

No, mekiswrite, you're thinking of "public" hair. It's an easy mistake to make!

Are you homeschooled? You don't know what "pubic" means.

sarahcroy20 12

Wow! I don't even know where to begin. If its on your chest its not pubic hair. And you pluck them if you want them gone.

If you are this clumsy, I'd say you did everything to deserve this.

If it's by your nipples then it's not pubic hair. Just saying.