The healthcare system is broken

By no sleep til - 29/12/2021 11:01

Today, I tried talking to my doctor about my insomnia several times, but all she does is prescribe me antidepressants, and tells me to take melatonin or exercise. I ate two melatonin gummies nearly 12 hours ago. I haven’t slept a wink, and my insurance won’t pay for another doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 995
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What about the antidepressants and exercise? And did she advise you on the dosage of the melatonin? You can't do just some of what a doctor prescribes and expect results.

squeekydoorknob 5

Have you maybe considerd that she might be right? After all she is a docter. Depression can indeed cause insomnia.


What about the antidepressants and exercise? And did she advise you on the dosage of the melatonin? You can't do just some of what a doctor prescribes and expect results.

randybryant799 20

So basically you want sleeping pills.

squeekydoorknob 5

Have you maybe considerd that she might be right? After all she is a docter. Depression can indeed cause insomnia.

bobsanction 18

Mix benadryl and melatonin. 1 miligram melatonin per 50mg of benadryl. If it's legal in your location, cannabis can help too. Medication doesn't fix insomnia, it only temporarily releaves it. You need to find the cause and fix it.

Medications can have what they call off-label uses. Antidepressants don't just help depression; some of them help insomnia too, and are prescribed for that rather than classic depression only. Also, they can take up to 6 weeks of use to start having effects. Good luck!