Masterchef 2020

By Reggie - 28/10/2020 13:58 - United States - Tahlequah

Today, I went to make chilli and instead of just using 3 cups of water like the recipe called for, I ended up using 3 quarts somehow. Now I have a pot of hot and spicy meat water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 430
You deserved it 1 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you used 3/4 of a gallon of water. That should have been your first warning sign something was screwy. A mistake of 3 cups vs 4 could have just been losing count, but 12 cups vs 3 is just plain careless.

kathgz 7

Add tomato paste and cook it down...


kathgz 7

Add tomato paste and cook it down...

So you used 3/4 of a gallon of water. That should have been your first warning sign something was screwy. A mistake of 3 cups vs 4 could have just been losing count, but 12 cups vs 3 is just plain careless.

Looks like you invented homeopathic chili. Or chili-flavored sport drink. Sometimes these stupid mistakes lead to inspiration. Serendipity!

bl3ur0z3 17

Somehow? It's kinda clear how. I wasn't even there and I can tell you that you couldn't tell the difference betweenthe amount needed and four times the amount needed.

tounces7 27

Just start adding veggies and make a meat stew instead.

Can you separate your chilli into several tubs and make different things with it? Make soup with one portion, pasta with another etc.

"somehow." Tell us what really happened.

OrySoma 11

real chilli dosnt require water if you're making it at home just blanch tomatoes ground beef onion garlic and red pepper/ cayenne for spicy and a can of tomatoes paste also the best thing to do if you're cooking off a recipe is to add a little bit at at time until its the texture you want