Manage your way out of that one

By can't shut my mouth - 28/01/2017 17:00 - United States - Houston

Today, after a string of crappy employees had come and gone over the month, I was joking to my manager that maybe we should move the "Now Hiring" sign further away from the trash can so we'd stop getting garbage hires. The new girl was right behind me. I'll be her trainer all week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 288
You deserved it 3 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Explain you were talking about previous employees

If you do your job well, she won't become a garbage hire, and the joke will be funny again.


Explain you were talking about previous employees

OP: "Sorry, I wasn't trash talking you." New Girl: "I don't believe you. That's rubbish."

So taking out the trash may be construed as sexual harassment?

species4872 19

You need to get the lead out and sharpen up your comments a bit.

nicole1765 14

No. He was calling the new workers trash (not good basically) and she was one of the new employees and heard what he said.

nicole1765 14

No. He was calling the new workers trash (not good basically) and she was one of the new employees and heard what he said.

Not sure anyone really understands his joke. Or I'm over thinking it. Taking out like a date. Trash like the old employees/her

If you do your job well, she won't become a garbage hire, and the joke will be funny again.

she shouldnt be too offended if she works out.

jcash52426 5

First it is not nice to talk about people behind there back. Second if the people were bad that they hired why didn't you step up and try and help your co worker. based on your post it sounds like you were really bad at training your new workers.

Because some people there is no helping them. They are better to themselves if they live under a rock.

Because some people there is no helping them. They are better to themselves if they live under a rock.

I agree with this. I helped train a new employee and he just wasn't listening properly and even after being told what to do he would still stuff it up. He resigned because the supervisor and him didn't get along because he was continuously told off for also not working.

tantanpanda 26

First, it may not be nice, but nearly everyone does it. Sounds like they deserve it too. Second, **** that, you ever hear of those stories where the person helps the coworker and then they get fired because the other person is doing better? Based on the post, NOTHING should make you suggest that OP is in charge of all new trainees, it only says he's training this specific one. Also, if OP is in charge of training employees, he wouldn't have made this joke to the manager since that makes him look like a bad employee. Third, you need to think more.

awildwhisper 30

Maybe that was the comment that will give her an incentive to "prove you wrong" and she'll end up trying her best to be good at the job.

Sorry, sometimes "training them better" matters not when they are garbage, act like garbage and perform like garbage regardless. Some places have a higher turnover rate not because the work is onerous or too technical or skilled for many but because a good deal of the younger segment thinks they are getting over and can continue to do so. Just got rid of two of this type the day after New Years. No amount of training was going to fix their attitudes, which were crappy at best.

drealex360 5

Shoulda turned around and be like "aaaaahhhhaaa, just kidding!"