By bunyipp - 23/09/2017 04:00 - Australia - Macquarie Park

Today, I was at work and a lady came in with a cake - I work as a nurse in a pediatrics ward. While we were eating the cake, she told us she used her breast milk instead of normal milk. Now all of us nurses have to be tested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 541
You deserved it 452

Same thing different taste

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That is disgusting, why would she do that?! Does she think she's making pornography? That is not acceptable even to the lowest of standards!

testing is standard in all hospitals anytime they come in contact with bodily fluids


azouwa 26

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Unless it's stated somewhere in the hospital, a visitor can bring baked goods for hospital staff. The nurses who ate the cake don't deserve to be tested for diseases, but the lady deserves to be sued and/or fined for making the nurses have to be tested.

This is exactly why I never eat anything from anyone I do not know. Where I work, people are always offering me stuff for helping them, I kindly refuse them.

azouwa 26

Exactly. After 17 years in the medical field I've learned to kindly accept small things like food. If it isn't prepackaged I throw it away after the visitor leaves.

"nurses who ate the cake don't deserve to be tested for diseases..." What planet am I on?! I don't even have the words to describe how... ffffs

That is disgusting, why would she do that?! Does she think she's making pornography? That is not acceptable even to the lowest of standards!

Even if she was making something nice, it wasn't very kind to make something people won't want put in their mouth.

While I agree that this isn't acceptable, you might want to read up on what pornography is...


why is drinking the milk of our own species nasty but drinking the milk of another normal...that's nasty

While it's not done to put your own BM in a cake for anyone but your children, there is nothing pornographic about it. If you think there's an element of pornography in there, that says more about you than anyone else.

While it's not done to put your own BM in a cake for anyone but your children, there is nothing pornographic about it. If you think there's an element of pornography in there, that says more about you than anyone else.

The OP will likely say HIV. While HIV is transmittable through breastmilk, it would immediately "die" in the baking process. I call BS.

is there anything that can survive a 400+° oven

azouwa 26

There are many diseases the human body can carry and pass on thru breast milk. HIV is only 1. But you're right, it will die in the baking process.

Tuberculosis is what they test dairy cows for, when the milk is sold unpasteurized or from "Anti-biotic free" cows. That and Brucella (which causes spontaneous abortions in pregnant cattle).

testing is standard in all hospitals anytime they come in contact with bodily fluids

Chris Smith 9

The Krabby Patty secret ingredient!

thehaystackerine 20

All of you nurses need to keep abreast of the situation. get tested you should get time off with pay. Milk it for all it's worth!

Lobby_Bee 17

DIY milk for a DIY cake, makes sense, somewhat.

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arioch_fml 20

Sorry Richard, but even just a nipple could be enough to spread disease, so they definitely should get tested. You wouldn't want to make a boob of yourself, and be stuck with bad mammeries of this situation in the future.

Not sure — tit’s not my areola of expertise. To eat food from a stranger was not the breast idea — they lactate common sense!

You sir, are my hero! ? this made me laugh.

arioch_fml 20

Agreed, it's udderly unthinkable to take something like that from someone you barely know without busting out the questions first. Especially in that line of work.

I work in the frontline in healthcare, so it is not uncommon to receive cards and goodies from visitors or the patients themselves. We have to use our own judgement as to whether to eat them after accepting the goods - home baked goods are likely not going to be eaten vs packaged goods where the seal is not broken. It seems to me that OP and her colleagues trusted the woman enough to eat it, and chances are they were starved and did not even think twice before digging in.