
By 181999 - 14/09/2013 20:47 - United States - Essex Junction

Today, I went to my boyfriend's apartment for the first time, only to see another girl walking out. I accused her of cheating with him and we got into a fight. Turns out I was at the wrong apartment. He lives next door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 454
You deserved it 54 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if she was seeing your boyfriend, it doesn't give you the right to attack her, psycho.

She could have been a relative. Always better to get the full story.


Askzombie 14

Perhaps op was the blackmailing girlfriend of the previous post

Keriu 9

Well at least he didn't try to blackmail you with naked pics of her! :) cause.. Y'know.. Doesn't mean he cheated on her. lol

Even if she was seeing your boyfriend, it doesn't give you the right to attack her, psycho.

Agreed. Though OP completely deserved it for jumping to conclusions so quickly, at least her actual boyfriend isn't cheating on her.

Ugh, dumb girls like OP give the rest of us a bad name. Even if your boyfriend was cheating, why the hell would you get mad at the other women? 9 times out of 10 they are just as clueless as you that there is someone else. OP definitely deserved this one for jumping to conclusion and acting like a psycho. Case closed, bring out the dancing lobsters.

And even if it was the boyfriend's apartment, the first assumption shouldn't be "cheating". She could be a platonic friend, coworker, classmate, sister, cousin, random chick buying drugs from him off of Craigslist, or a girl looking for her boyfriend in the wrong apartment.

She could have been a relative. Always better to get the full story.

She could also have been a friend. Or is OP's bf not allowed to have those?

Of course not 23! Once you have a girlfriend you're supposed to be cut off from the world and especially from all the girls. Because obviously all girls that have contact with your BF are out to get him. Seriously OP, calm down and get the full story next time, you deserve it.

ArtinHopar 16

You have to be sure before you throw a tantrum.

Trinidad727 9

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TheDrifter 23

It's gonna be a rough week, with a pissed off, bruised up neighbor next door and psychotic OP for a girlfriend. The poor guy would be better off running away and changing his phone number.

Someone doesn't trust her boyfriend very much...

Betcha feel pretty stupid now. Even if you saw the girl walking out, you shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Could have been a Aunt, Cousin or even sister?

why would she accuse him of cheating with someone who could potentially be his aunt? oy vey

pheebs314 17

My niece is only 3 years younger than me. Being an aunt isn't determined by age.