Love is…

By Anon - 01/05/2009 14:17 - United States

Today, I had woken up very excited to celebrate my 21st birthday. I rolled over in bed and asked my boyfriend if we could go out to the park to have a picnic, considering the lovely weather. He looked up at me and said, "You wish I loved you that much." He rolled back over and slept until 3pm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 696
You deserved it 9 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would dump his bootie in a heartbeat. If he cant do something nice for your birthday now, and has the audacity to say that now, he will only get worse with time. You can do so much better. Happy 21st :)

kick his ass out of bed and make him take you to the park, its your day. :)


GMSD213 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats prolly the best thing he could have said. P.S. is there anyway to read the comments that have been "Moderated"?

_Isis_ 0

seriously ditch him. You deserve better....

Lolz ur bf is stayin true to the game. But if he wanted to get some then hes a dumbass

Lolz ur bf is stayin true to the game. But if he wanted to get some then hes a dumbass. Pwn3d

AntiChrist7 0

you choose an ass as boyfriend, your fault. YDI

Maybe he has been working a night job, or otherwise not gotten to sleep until in the morning. Some people really don't function well on lack of sleep. Myself included. And some people, myself included, get super cranky when woken up in certain phases of sleep - you don't want to put up with me when you wake me up in the middle of a dream. Granted "you wish i loved you that much" is a little harsh but it's not really dump-worthy in my eyes. And I for my part know that my boyfriend would rather let me sleep in and then spend a nice day with me than to drag me out of bed super tired and have me spoil his birthday due to being a cranky bitch.

wigwam 0

He's a douchebag. Regardless of the situation only a douchebag says shit like that. Period. Why do women love douchebags? He has undoubtedly shown signs of douchitude before this, and yet he's your boyfriend. I'm tempted to say YDI.

hahahaha. Funny as hell. Grab yourself a new man. Happy 21st.

marcusaurelius 0

you're turning 21...go out without the douche to a bar and have a good time. Maybe find a new boyfriend...

313 0 boyfriend would be the one waking ME up for a picnic or whatever we were doing on MY 21st birthday. It honestly is NO excuse even if he does work the night shift. So what? He would have survived if he lost a few hours of sleep on his girlfriend's 21st birthday. I mean, be honest with yourself. If the guy cared about you, he would NOT say what he said and then roll over to sleep. If a guy acts like he doesn't care about you, it's 99.9% because he DOESN'T care about you. This is an FYL because NOBODY deserves to be treated that way, but it's also a YDI because unless you're blind or have no self-respect or standards of how you want to be treated, then you should have seen this coming from this douche. I feel sorry for any girl that's with a guy like that and I hope you get out! There are guys out there who WON'T treat you that way, so stop chasing the assholes and start looking for a REAL man, not the boy you're with. OP I REALLY hope you broke up with this guy, went out, and had a great time without the douchebagery of this idiot. Happy Birthday.