This Is Us

By CrackHouseBaby - 16/10/2019 12:00 - United Kingdom - Manchester

Today, I learned that my parents lied. They didn't meet each other at an acid house rave. They met each other at a crack house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 594
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you just found out then it seems they are pretty far in their road to recovery

manb91gb 15

It's not about where you started out, it's about the journey. Remember that.


slowhandjp 16
manb91gb 15

It's not about where you started out, it's about the journey. Remember that.

If you just found out then it seems they are pretty far in their road to recovery

Mooglefox 23

I find that they found each other at either place very bad.

Presumably they're clean now and perhaps didn't want to share that particular story with a child. If you found out from them then as upsetting as it may be they obviously feel you're mature enough to handle the truth now. If someone else told you then that's unfortunate and perhaps worth a conversation with both the person that told and your parents. Your parents need to know that someone spoke out of turn. Also, just because they met there doesn't mean you were conceived/born there. Or, perhaps finding out they were pregnant with you was the push they needed to sort themselves out which could only be seen as a good thing, right?

bullsonyourface 20

better than one of those damn pot houses, thank your lucky stars you weren't tainted by the devil's lettuce

Well, since this seems to be a shock to you, they must be doing much better. I'm probably going to tell my kid he was conceived on acid maybe when he's in his 20s. But the key point would be that I immediately straightened up when I found out I was pregnant, I hope your parents also had a sudden, huge lifestyle change!