By iPhonekid - 27/05/2012 07:19 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I texted my friend and asked her what her sad status on Facebook was about. She texted me back, saying her step-mother had passed away. I tried to reply with "awwh" but my phone autocorrected it to "ahaha." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 474
You deserved it 7 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Autocorrect at its worst. Explain yourself quickly before you're the biggest jerk ever!

To be honest if you were a good friend (close enough to ask her what was wrong), you probably should've called her. Or at least text back something a little more sympathetic rather than just 'awwh'.


projudy 9

That's technology for you.

Bad times, but if my friend has lost someone "aww" is not the first thing I would say but just apologise I am sure she will understand!!

Today i got banned from the mall, movie theater, and surrounding resteraunts for 4 years along with my friend because he took a piss in the corner of the parking garage.

Looks Like You Are Going To Get The Silent Treatment For Life.

That is why I took auto correct off my ipod

I thought it didn't have an "h" in it. I thought it was "awww"

izzygarcia 0

I'm sorry for your loss I kinda know how you feel my parents just divorced my mom moved five states away to be with a guy she only knew for about a month, Too top it of its my lil sisters uncle & too top it off even more she got pregnant from him within a month of living with him & now she left him & moved back too Cali so my mom basically ruined five children's happiness for another kid -______-

You were really going to say "aww"? Really? Why not just say "Shit happens".. Like that'd be so much better..

Fonze13 0

Wait ahaha is a word my phone would never do that