Always proofread before sending

By ShortieRose - 28/05/2019 22:13

Today, I was texting with my close friend about her very sick father. She texted, "I hope he gets better" and I replied, "I hope he does." Autocorrect changed it to, "I hope he dies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 075
You deserved it 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh shit, that’s unfortunate and hilarious

Send them another message apologising and tell them what you meant. I'm sure they'll understand it was an auto correct mistake.


Oh shit, that’s unfortunate and hilarious

Autocorrect always knows! You cannot tell a lie.

WeirdUS 29

Why would your phone auto corrected that generally comes up with guess is as to what it might be and what words you use frequently

Send them another message apologising and tell them what you meant. I'm sure they'll understand it was an auto correct mistake.

Oh, this is an old story. I saw this on one of those autocorrect sites at least 2 years ago.

ShortieRose 30

i can assure you that this truly happened to me and i didnt "copy" it, nor have i ever submitted to another site.

ShortieRose 30

i cant believe this got posted. This happened around 3 years ago. I called my friend and explained the autocorrect moment. we laughed pretty hard. Her father ended up passing away. i still feel bad that this happened.

Sheogorath 4

It's ok, I texted my boyfriend one morning "good morning love, I hope you slept well," but sent it to my manager on accident. It was really quite funny.