Our house, was a very very very nice house

By Anonymous - 06/03/2020 18:00

Today, my house caught on fire. After it was put out, I realized the damage wasn't bad, mainly smoke damage. I went to my parents' for the night because my house smelled. While there, I received a phone call from my neighbor. Apparently, my house caught fire again. It's now a pile of ashes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 285
You deserved it 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you weren't in the house when it happened

as the wife of a house fire victim, I'm so sorry ❤😭


At least you weren't in the house when it happened

as the wife of a house fire victim, I'm so sorry ❤😭

Hooray for fire and property insurance?

WistayShlaio82 13

Oh wow, the embers reignited. Damn shame

Itsheragain 9

man...thats terrible..good thing you werent there