Lemon or haunted?

By Anonymous - 28/05/2020 08:00

Today, our boiler broke. Yesterday, it was our fridge. The day before that, the deck collapsed, and a few weeks ago the dishwasher flooded the kitchen. This is after we spent a ton of money to have the house gutted due to a mold problem. We only bought the house a year ago, and have lived in it even less. We need to move. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 723
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you have a home inspection before buying the place?

oGxFoopFoop 15

This is why you get thorough home inspections before you move in :/ nonetheless that really sucks OP


Did you have a home inspection before buying the place?

oGxFoopFoop 15

This is why you get thorough home inspections before you move in :/ nonetheless that really sucks OP

Taylor Caldwell 10

This is why you always have a subject to inspection clause, and actually get the inspection.

I'm guessing you got the house for a very cheap price -- that should have raised some alarms.

just like everyone is saying get an inspection, also after you fix everything it might not be worth it to sell the place. do the math make sure it makes sense before you list it.