Lav agent

By Anonymous - 02/07/2022 18:00

Today, I was assigned to empty the lavatory tank on an airplane. I haven't done this since February, when the contents ended up all over me. I thought to myself, "It can't happen again, can it?" I was wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 838
You deserved it 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean you did something the same way and expected a different result? That's some... ...wait on it... ...shitty logic!

Jon Tessler 14

ok, for those wondering how this can happen. I worked for airlines, when a ramp agent(that is what OP is) is told to "dump the lav", you have a truck that you back up to the plane. this truck has a big tank on the back where you remove the lavatory(toilet) waste. when you are in position, you open a cover, and then hook up a hose, that you twist to lock into place. if you don't twist it until it locks, the hose can come off. there is an inner locked flap on the drain(that sometimes is not locked back into place by the last person who serviced the lav). after you unlock the inner flap, there is a pull handle, that you pull to dump the contents of the waste tank. since this is a simple gravity drain, it all comes out at one time. if the hose is not securely locked in place, it comes off and you get whatever waste is in the tank all over you. I hope this clears things up for everyone.


Is it just me or is the wording on this FML kind of confusing?

Jon Tessler 14

so you got "smurfed". congrats, it happens to the best ramp agents from time to time.

wrenavery90 12

Obviously you're doing it wrong. Maybe you need training?

You mean you did something the same way and expected a different result? That's some... ...wait on it... ...shitty logic!

Talk about a crappy shituation; definitely get some assistance next time.

Jon Tessler 14

ok, for those wondering how this can happen. I worked for airlines, when a ramp agent(that is what OP is) is told to "dump the lav", you have a truck that you back up to the plane. this truck has a big tank on the back where you remove the lavatory(toilet) waste. when you are in position, you open a cover, and then hook up a hose, that you twist to lock into place. if you don't twist it until it locks, the hose can come off. there is an inner locked flap on the drain(that sometimes is not locked back into place by the last person who serviced the lav). after you unlock the inner flap, there is a pull handle, that you pull to dump the contents of the waste tank. since this is a simple gravity drain, it all comes out at one time. if the hose is not securely locked in place, it comes off and you get whatever waste is in the tank all over you. I hope this clears things up for everyone.