By yerbuagalapagos wonder - 06/02/2009 21:50 - Ecuador

Today, I really had to use the airplane lavatory. After I'd finished, the flight attendants continuously sprayed air freshener for two minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 461
You deserved it 31 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1 - a cuckold is a man that has been cheated on by his wife.


TC_fml 0

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In not sure you should be proud of that.

#1, you should really get that checked out! Excessive flatulence can be a sign if intestinal dysfunction...

there's nothing better than a good man-shit. i hope you got some of it on the floor and your hands.

greenman ur a ****** moron and all ur comments are stupid and worthless just like ur pic

#1 - a cuckold is a man that has been cheated on by his wife.

Trevv 0

Dude you should be proud! Not many people have that type of supreme ******** ability...

toaster468 0

well think, a fat person eats more which in turn equals MORE SHIT. lol I would be proud my little gopher (poop) stunk up the back five rows! :)