Jason is a big wuss

By Jason McGinnis - 11/12/2021 07:39

Today, something bad happened and I posted an FML, only to have a caption with a judgemental comment thrown on the top by some desk jockey asshat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 284
You deserved it 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Oh man you posted on a public forum and a random person was mean?! That never happens!

They're usually a good judge of character. Looks here like they were right again.


Nikki 17

Oh man you posted on a public forum and a random person was mean?! That never happens!

The term "desk jockey asshat" is itself brimming with judgment. It is said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" which is fine if you want to live in a boring, stagnant world. Being judgy is so much more fun! Verdict: quit being a crybaby and throw shit back at the asshats.

Charlie Coffman_1920149595 18

it was probably you who commented bro lol stand proud and own it hahaha

Oh hey, apparently unwarranted whining about something that wasn't as much of a problem as you thought it was, or something that was more on you than anything else, didn't go your way. So you were apparently rightly admonished for it, according to the account you've given to us just now. You know what will *totally* rectify that? EVEN MORE UNWARRANTED WHINING ON THE SITE THAT MADE THE SNARKY COMMENTS AT YOUR EXPENSE! They'll totally treat you completely neutrally/fairly in your eyes when you whine to them this time! ...Right? Yeah. *No way* this will make you look like an even bigger whiny, self-centred, out-of-touch dingus. Sometimes you gotta know when to fold 'em, dude.

They're usually a good judge of character. Looks here like they were right again.

Royal Sataness 4

judging you is literally the point of this site. you knew that when you posted

Damn, I forgot to delete this one, I thought it would be fun for me for a while, but apparently you guys like it too! Yeah Jason, stop being a crybaby! Boo!

redbandit0315 1
ZZZsl33p 2
wildey1331 1

You expect kindness and a troll free experience from people on the internet... let alone this site?