Baby, You Can Drive My Car

By Anonymous - 19/10/2019 18:00

Today, I had a bad and very unenthusiastic one night stand and tried to quietly order an Uber while she was getting dressed. Turns out, she's an Uber driver and being as she was in the area, the alert came over her phone. She was furious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 830
You deserved it 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could be mistaken, so someone please correct me if I am... but don’t Uber drivers have to check in and be online if they are “on the clock” and available to drive? Why would your date have been online at that point in time?

Well considering she was already online and accepting ride requests, I think it's safe to say neither one of you had a good time.


I think you acted like a chicken. You should have just told her the truth, that the date was unenthusiastic and you don’t think you 2 would be a couple. She might not be happy about it. But it’s better then running away.

I could be mistaken, so someone please correct me if I am... but don’t Uber drivers have to check in and be online if they are “on the clock” and available to drive? Why would your date have been online at that point in time?

Yeah you have to be online in order to get rides. Most likely she went online right before she got ready and was planning on making some bucks.

Kennethtaylor377 12

But did she drive you home? lol

I'm sure that ride home was... ...wait on it.., Uber-awkward. How many stars did you give her, and which ride did you rate?

Well considering she was already online and accepting ride requests, I think it's safe to say neither one of you had a good time.

lj2000 5

Always drive to the one night stand so you can run when she’s crazy. These hoes can’t he trusted.

She can’t be mad at that because for her to get the notification she would have to been online. Thats how she got the notification. So she was looking to leave too

bl3ur0z3 17

Why? She was logged on to take jobs.

Since she was getting dressed, you had finished. What exactly did she expect afterwards?

it is far better to lay with one person 1000 times than it is to lay with 1000 people once, this and many other scenarios are the proof of truth in that statement