
By whatever - 23/03/2009 06:46 - United States

Today, I was on a third date with a girl. Things had been going really well. At one point, the conversation lulled. After a moment of silence, she asked me what my greatest fantasy was. I told her that it was being a superhero. She told me that she meant sexual fantasy. I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 706
You deserved it 67 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smooth one, man. But I do agree with you. Superpowers would kick an immense amount of ass.

Shoot...i would have probably said the same thing.....


It's better than if she asked what was your greatest fantasy, and you answered with a sexual one, making her think you're a pervert.

Did the exact same thing my man dontcha just feel so cool

abouttofly 12

#17: it should be "I'll be Batman, you be Robin."

A mildly embarrassing moment, not a FYL though I would say. Easily overcomeable, hopefully, and if not then she's probably too high maintenance. #38 is my hero and dead on, though possibly a little too obsessed with swedes ;)

sarahhha 0

i mean, what she was talking about a superhero sort of fantasy and you went on about your elaborate, embarrassing sex fantasy. and then made her feel super uncomfortable. that would've been way worse. it's completely admirable to say superhero first. it's cute and you always get a second try to answer that question. if it had been the other way, your chance to redeem yourself would've been a liittle awkward.

I agree with #27 this really isn't an embarrassing moment, just a misunderstanding of the question with an innocent answer.

i don't understand how this is FYL. i think it's great that you didn't have sex on the brain. besides, if that'd happened to me i would've laughed it off. i say stupid shit all the time when i'm around someone i'm interested in, but i always laugh it off and if saying something random or stupid makes them dislike me that's their problem.

Agree with #49 Love the answers about "glad to see OP wasn't thinking about sex." When the girl's question was completely about sex. LOL. Little role reversal

DelSDelT 0

You should've just laughed about it. Girls like a sense of humour. And also, it's adorable. She'd be a bitch if she stopped seeing you for that.

i would have said. Build cities in space, end world hunger, over population. clean up environment. End war, reality shows. Explore space, while helping people at the same time! rofl.