
By whatever - 23/03/2009 06:46 - United States

Today, I was on a third date with a girl. Things had been going really well. At one point, the conversation lulled. After a moment of silence, she asked me what my greatest fantasy was. I told her that it was being a superhero. She told me that she meant sexual fantasy. I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 708
You deserved it 67 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smooth one, man. But I do agree with you. Superpowers would kick an immense amount of ass.

Shoot...i would have probably said the same thing.....


blarg9 0

lol i might have said the same thing

That's awesome. Someone with a mind like yours deserves a much sweeter girl that one who is slutty enough to ask you about your sexual fantasy on the third date.

bigcrazymike 6

She should have been more specific. I'm 30, so I've already done all my sexual fantasies. Superpowers would rock!

TryToBeKind 0

I know 35-year-old guys who want to be super-heroes! There's nothing wrong with that at all and it actually gives quite an insight into you. If some girl told me she wanted to be a super-hero, I'd want to know what her abilities were, what her weaknesses were, what her mission was and things like that. Could have made for a great conversation. Your date's loss *hugs*

EffYourLyf 0

well, you're more innocent than she is... says something.

JeanNe91 0

you could've been like a "superhero in bed. and you're the damsel in distress".

trh_fml 0

so cute! that would win me over!