
By guessimdead - 19/04/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I went to my new job at a pre-school. I was really excited because everything was going so well, and a little boy even said he was drawing a picture of me. He even gave it to me when he was finished. Well it was me, but I was also on fire and being stabbed and shot multiple times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 107
You deserved it 3 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I'd be talking to that kid's parents.

Inspired22 11

Yeah, talk to the parents. That was entirely inappropriate. Some action needs to be taken before he grows up too much on that path!


Funnybunny_fml 3

um... good thing he's creative? sicko

mishmosh 0

I think it's really reaching to assume something is wrong with him or that he is abused. I used to watch Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, and all that and used to make all the figures fight and "die". And I'm female so it's not because he's a boy, just something that's fun when you're young to "beat the bad guys". It's definitely possible he was trying to get a rise out of the OP. I know young kids do that for the attention too. The most action I would take is to show his parents what he drew and let them handle it. Most likely he got it from tv shows, older siblings (who let him watch rated R movies or seen him play Halo or something), commercials for new movies, or even knowing who a policeman is and that they have a gun. Kids soak everything up like a sponge, and they know how to put the pieces together.

Oh wow. I used to be a camp counselor for a little kids art camp- and something quite similar happened to me. And a lot of little boys are really into that sort of thing... why? I don't know.

KyleCastersMom 0

" oh man **** your life a 5 year old kid tried to make a joke on you " **** you. your life isnt ******

Wow. That's wrong on all levels. Show the principal ASAP. FYL.

dripinwet 0

You people are stupid, this kid doesn't need help. He's a little boy and boys draw pictures of guns and fire. It's normal and he's got nothing against you.


xanth 0

Send him to the guidance counselor. That'll fix his wagon.