By TacoMan32 - 06/12/2016 04:26 - Canada

Today, after months of unemployment, I finally started at a new job. The building burnt down on my very first shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 176
You deserved it 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you can say that your first day on the job was lit (I'll see myself out now...) But in all seriousness OP, that pretty much sucks for you...

Plot twist: The OP's job for one day? Fireman. Oh, the irony!


catwomam 15

It sounds like you got fired. Or maybe they're just blowing smoke.

I guess you can say that your first day on the job was lit (I'll see myself out now...) But in all seriousness OP, that pretty much sucks for you...

Plot twist: The OP's job for one day? Fireman. Oh, the irony!

I see you love your job with a burning passion :)

You wouldn't happen to be a demon from the burning brimstone layer of hell, would you? Sometimes you just have to cool it when you are stationed in a new layer!

Lmao Not sure why this was downvoted. This is gold