Karma chameleon

By Douche - 31/07/2020 23:01

Today, I flew from Texas to meet my new girlfriend's family in Georgia. Turns out her sister was a random hookup I had a year earlier on a business trip, she remembered me as the douchebag with premature ejaculation. Guess who’s flying home single? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 154
You deserved it 1 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, if you needed proof you had a type, you now have it.

bloopaloop 27

You still got the sister combo! Way to go buddy!


bloopaloop 27

You still got the sister combo! Way to go buddy!

I mean, if you needed proof you had a type, you now have it.

Why? If you're not a Two-Pump Chump with your girlfriend (that you've been dating for less than a year) then who cares what kind of douchebag you were to a rando?

genuinegoodguy 9

Sorry to hear of your premature ejaculation problems. But you didn’t have to be a douche.

Usually when a guy has premature ejaculation, he's usually apologetic and makes excuses. Or so I've heard.

My guess is some douchebag with premature ejaculation issues. Was I right?

Need a bit more context, how long have you been dating your girlfriend? If you were with her at the time of hook up then YDI, if not then FYI

diraven 15

Should have told them that douchebag was your twin brother. You could have had a hilarious double date!

I don't see the problem. Were you truly awful to her sister or something? Maybe it's different for girls but I've slept with my friends and brothers Ex and it's not a big deal we're all just people. As for premature ejaculation that's a very solvable problem doesn't seem like thing that you should be ridiculed for.