By Anonymous - 24/09/2018 05:00

Today, getting home from a long day at work, I checked the mail and saw 3 envelopes from the IRS. Apparently I now owe over $4,000. I only have $2 in my bank account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 609
You deserved it 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PenguinPal3017 19

If they want you to pay in gift cards it's a scam. For your sake I really hope that it is a scam. Owing that kind of money isn't fun.


You don't go to prison for 4k in back taxes. Hell, I really doubt that you go to prison for back taxes unless you've been doing something else wrong. Nick Cage owed 6.5 million in back taxes at one point and they never put him in jail. OP, if you can find someone to work with you, speak to a tax accountant or lawyer. They'll be able to give you specifics on what you can do. You also need to get in contact with the IRS to show them that you're cooperative. They'll go easier on you if you're trying to make things right.

if you owe only 4K, a lawyer is not worth it, unless you think it is mistaken. in any case, I would just call the irs first. if you do owe, you can set up a payment plan.

I'm pretty sure RichardPencil was joking, but you're right. I know several people who owned business that went bankrupt in 2008 due to the recession. They've owed $100,00+ dollars to the IRS with no way to pay all at once. As long as you keep in constant contact with the IRS and do what they say to make things right you should be fine.

SandMan344888 5

Yeah, sounds about right. The IRS likes to kick you while you're down.

PenguinPal3017 19

If they want you to pay in gift cards it's a scam. For your sake I really hope that it is a scam. Owing that kind of money isn't fun.

bluhbluhbluh 14

You were a good person. My condolences, Sir.

qren't they supposed to let you know when you start owing them money as in before it reaches 4000

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Could be a scam. I’d call the police or take the letters to the police station to see if they’re legitimate.

Google the IRS phone number and call them. Don’t call whatever phone number is on the bills. Confirm it’s a legitimate tax bill before paying.

My suggestion, having been in the same situation, call them, talk to them, be polite, they'll work with you for a payment plan. I only had to pay 50 bucks a month until it was paid off.

but yes, call the IRS, not necessarily the number on the bill, just to be sure