By educatedreptile - 09/12/2016 16:21 - Canada - Yorkton

Today, I found out that I owe the government money and that the amount will increase if I miss the deadline 2 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 224
You deserved it 1 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pay it before u post another FML post for being arrested.

Having to pay the government money is like that one friend everyone has who will just jack up their price if they aren't paid back in time. If you wait longer, you're just in deeper shit. Good luck OP.


Pay it before u post another FML post for being arrested.

It's Canada. We don't normally jail people for not paying their tax bill. It also won't go up much in 2 months. CRA bases their interest rate on the prime rate. OP will be fine.

mira_gall 3

If it was the "IRS" I'm sure OP would know it was a scam. Because OP lives in Canada.

RedCronos 17

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How does that have anything to do with the FML?

I'm excited for trump. I wish he'd teach our prime minister a lesson as well. Here's hoping

Trump offers "Pussy Grabbing 101" on Mondays. Special price if time slot coincides with intelligence briefings so he doesn't have to go. Call 1-Fra-dul-entU for an appointment.

Same. Very excited for Trump to be president.

Having to pay the government money is like that one friend everyone has who will just jack up their price if they aren't paid back in time. If you wait longer, you're just in deeper shit. Good luck OP.

Unfortunately there are two things certain in life Death and Taxes