
By Anonymous - 22/05/2013 09:44 - United Kingdom - London

Today I returned home after a semester at university. I guess I did too good a job of getting into shape as my parents phoned the police, thinking I was a burglar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 990
You deserved it 3 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take it as a compliment! Either that or they just aren't very subtle about wishing you hadn't come home.

oj101 33

Keep up the hard work, and soon you'll be so thin, no one can even see you when you turn sideways. That way, you'll be a much more efficient burglar.


Wow you changed that drastically after one semester? Yay good for you! :) I just think it's terribly sad that your parents didn't recognize you. You know, considering they've been raising you for 18+ years.

Any chance it was the middle of the night when you came home and the door was locked so you slid through a window fell had your parents come rushing to the noise where your like mom dad it's me and they say no way our son is way too fat to slide through a window.

Any chance you are like high right now?

I almost lost consciousness from lack of breath trying to read that sentence.

Yea, I made edits but ran out of time. I was on my way out the door when I posted and sort of forgot about punctuation in any of it's forms.

flockz 19

lack of punctuation in order to remain punctual. *golf clap*

No correction about that OP is a girl?

olpally 32

Thanks mom and dad, love you too... Jerks.

Indeed, what kind of parents forget how their child looks like?! FYL.

They probably enjoyed having all that alone time, they forgot to you even existed.

musicluvr2000 11

Great hospitality your parents have!

Did they know that was the day you were coming home? Or did you not tell them in order to surprise them?

Duceswild99 19

Grats on the loss and new record!

That's great! Just don't turn into a toothpick...

cbayley 1

Getting in shape as in getting fit or getting fat? Because round is also a shape!