Nice attempt

By IHaveThePower - 20/09/2023 19:00 - United States

Today, I went down to my congresscritter's office to deliver some paperwork. Somehow, I'd forgotten the pocketknife I kept on me for hiking, from four years ago, back when I could walk consistently. The security guards were kind enough not to laugh at me, at least. FML
I agree, your life sucks 446
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did they keep your knife? Did they arrest you? If you got your business done and knife back, then No Harm - No Foul. Believe me, guards see much more embarrassing items in ladies purses that run on batteries EVERY day.

I've done that. I had a nice blade in my purse I kept wrapped in cloth so it wouldn't get scratched up. I forgot about it and walked through the court house x-ray.


Did they keep your knife? Did they arrest you? If you got your business done and knife back, then No Harm - No Foul. Believe me, guards see much more embarrassing items in ladies purses that run on batteries EVERY day.

I've done that. I had a nice blade in my purse I kept wrapped in cloth so it wouldn't get scratched up. I forgot about it and walked through the court house x-ray.