By *sneeze* - 29/11/2018 12:00

Today, it's my wife's birthday. Since I had work, I gave her $200 to spend on herself and left. When I came back with dinner and the movie she wanted, I found her with a dog. She is very attached to him because the shelter was going to put him down. I love him, but I'm allergic to dogs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 123
You deserved it 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You’ll be okay, you’ll learn to cope. I’m allergic and have 3. My body eventually adjusted, but I took Claritin when I needed it.

Not a fan of this. She could have literally gotten anything, but decides to go out of her way to purchase a pet. First of all, all members of a household should get a say in whether this fits into their lives or not - a dog takes up a lot of free time, energy and money. And second, it had to be the kind of pet her husband is allergic to? That's even more of a reason to talk to each other beforehand. Yes, there's medication, but it should be his choice whether to make that compromise or not. It's just really ignorant, if not downright rude. Because the whole "the shelter wanted to kill the dog" story doesn't give him any option to even mention getting rid of the dog again, or he'll be the bad guy for breaking her heart and leaving the dog to its fate. I don't know, that's just shitty.


Emma Marshall 19

Unless it'll kill you, I'd so put up with it 😂

You’ll be okay, you’ll learn to cope. I’m allergic and have 3. My body eventually adjusted, but I took Claritin when I needed it.

lazaryx 2

Or it could kill him in his sleep. Yes medications exist. but why impose your SO to take them for the life duration of the dog (Plus a bit more to get rid of the remaining hairs etc)? I am highly allergic to dogs and despite taking preventing measures cannot stay at my dad s house more than few hours because of his dog. I get rashes etc. Taking a dog in these conditions was a dick move from OP s wife (he/she being allergic and without talking about it beforehand) plus mentioning the put down thingy is emotional blackmail. I would have a serious talk about it with my wife if I were you OP.

Today is my birthday too and I'm having expensive car issues. I'd much rather have that problem than mine.

Happy Birthday! Maybe you can go to the junkyard and rescue a car they are going to put down. Be careful, when you go there and look in their cute, little headlights, you’ll be hooked!

Not a fan of this. She could have literally gotten anything, but decides to go out of her way to purchase a pet. First of all, all members of a household should get a say in whether this fits into their lives or not - a dog takes up a lot of free time, energy and money. And second, it had to be the kind of pet her husband is allergic to? That's even more of a reason to talk to each other beforehand. Yes, there's medication, but it should be his choice whether to make that compromise or not. It's just really ignorant, if not downright rude. Because the whole "the shelter wanted to kill the dog" story doesn't give him any option to even mention getting rid of the dog again, or he'll be the bad guy for breaking her heart and leaving the dog to its fate. I don't know, that's just shitty.

Some people get that instand bond and the wife obviously has a heart! i drove 6 hours to rescue a doggie that i was instantly attached too!

I highly recommend immunotherapy. My husband was allergic to cats, but it's 99% gone now. You go to an allergist and they poke you with 50 different allergins to see what causes a reaction. Then they make a custom shot for you which I believe you can get every two weeks/month. My husband would just stop in on lunch break. Our insurance covered it. After a year he was good.

It could have been much worse honestly.

TxKitten79 10

The wife knows you're allergic to dogs? And she got a dog anyway? And you're not getting rid of it? She has no respect for you and you're putting up with it.

If I got a dog and my boyfriend made me get rid of it I’d be getting rid of him too

TxKitten79 10

She made a decision which she knew would negatively impact not only her husband's comfort, but his health. It shows a complete lack of care and respect. He has every right to be pissed. I would never get an animal without talking to my husband first, and I certainly care about his well being and comfort enough to not get an animal he was allergic to. And unless you live with your boyfriend, "boyfriend" is different than "husband" as far as living arrangements go, and having a new dog would certainly impact your boyfriend less than if you live together.

Frankly she's rude and inconsiderate if she does not respect his health enough to NOT get a freaking dog that he is allergic to. Boyfriend is very different from a husband. She should have respected his allergies and not brought a dog home. His allergies can kill him.

manb91uk 22

There are these revolutionary new drugs called antihistamines...

lazaryx 2

they don't always work. I can't stay with a cat or a dog despite having a treatment antihistaminics.

Just put on a hazmat suit when you go home. YWIA

That was exceedingly inconsiderate of her. If the dog remains in your house, there are some ways to reduce the allergens by bathing the dog frequently. They sell wipes and shampoos for the purpose.