Introvert life

By CaBur - 19/02/2013 22:03 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, at work I got in an elevator to go upstairs. It wasn't until the doors opened minutes later and people stepped in that I realized I had zoned out and forgot to press the button for the floor I needed. I then promptly exited the elevator and waited for the next elevator to go up in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 344
You deserved it 27 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JR_Goes_Rawr 11

Take the stairs next time? There are no buttons involved, and you get exercise. It's a win-win, unless you zone out again and forget to walk.

It's alright, I'm always.......... zoning out.


dontpanic_fml 32

I do stuff like that alllllll theeee played it off so nobody will be the wiser though, so well done. I would have frozen

I bet that jazzy elevator music enthralled you, didn't it?

xStaciexLynnx 15

Why did you have to get out? It's not like the people getting on would've known. You could have gotten on on another floor.

Because of the fact that OP was already on the elevator when the other people entered it, pressing a button at that point in time would reveal that she forgot to do it before. I still don't think it's a big deal, but oh well.

You care too much about what other people think.

So no more "wake and bake" for you, space cadet.

This isn't FML,I mean you don't deserve it,but this surely isn't FML :D Thankfully you can walk!

So? Who cares? I doubt anyone would even notice, and even if they did, it's not like they are going to care, nor will they think you are an idiot. Although I understand you. It is hard not to be a little embarrassed over things like that because you feel stupid, but just remember, it's all in your head.