By Eivana - 30/11/2018 12:00

Today, I finally got up the nerve to leave my boyfriend. We have no spark and quite honestly, it's been really awkward. I planned to tell him when he came in, and I did. After all was said and done, he handed me the roses and new puppy he had bought for me, a puppy that I had been saving up to get. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 221
You deserved it 1 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When he came in, you told him this? You didn't notice that he had a bouquet of roses and a freakin' <i>live puppy</i> with him?

Guess it’s not puppy love then? Sounds ruff. Bet you felt a little hot under the collar but at least you are not leading him on. Sorry for the paw jokes.


Guess it’s not puppy love then? Sounds ruff. Bet you felt a little hot under the collar but at least you are not leading him on. Sorry for the paw jokes.

When he came in, you told him this? You didn't notice that he had a bouquet of roses and a freakin' <i>live puppy</i> with him?

My guess is that he probably had the puppy and flowers hidden, maybe in his car, to surprise her.

Should that have changed the situation somehow? A relationship that has soured is just that. If your mind can be changed by superficial gifts, then you need to rethink your priorities. OP held solid. Boyfriend had the choice whether or not to give the gifts still, and he did. I don't think their presence should have automatically changed the decision to break it off... Regardless of whether they were in the car, or in his hands, or hiding in a closet, or whatever.

Being a guy it would have broke my heart. But honestly. Now that I'm older, it would have hurt... but I would have gotten over it because you weren't happy. You can't force someone to love you or even hope someone will change their mind about staying. You did the right thing.....

That was sweet of him, and it’s good you broke up with him. It’s not just being honest, but also it gives him the chance to find someone who does have that spark with him and that he can give that love and attention to.

And he’s allergic to dogs! How can you leave that?

Boyufd 24

I hope you didn't take the roses and puppy

Would it have better if he gave it to you and THEN you broke up with him?

IThriveWithYourPain 14

How did you not notice he had a puppy with him? seriously those little turds make a lot of noise because they are unreasonably happy all the time

Our office puppy does not make much noise and half the time you don't know he is there.

Ok, now take the puppy and flowers and go. you aren't happy and you'll still break up with him in the end. no point in staying just because of guilt or obligation.

Both of your lives suck for that. Poor guy for planning that and sucks for you that you finally needed to get something done and that happened.