Talk about not getting the picture…

By Anonymous - 28/02/2017 19:00 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I finally worked up the courage to break up with my boyfriend. His parents weren't able to pick him up for 5 hours. I ended up taking him to a movie to kill time and end on a positive note, but now he thinks we're cool and back on track. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 469
You deserved it 2 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your "boyfriend" 12? Why couldn't you just leave him? He needs his parents to be picked up and was distracted enough by the movie. If you'd gotten him a Happy Meal he probably would've thought you guys are married.

Why wouldn't you just drive him home? Surely that would have taken less than 5 hours. Or... make him walk.


Is your "boyfriend" 12? Why couldn't you just leave him? He needs his parents to be picked up and was distracted enough by the movie. If you'd gotten him a Happy Meal he probably would've thought you guys are married.

They're probably still in high school and haven't gotten their licenses yet. It's not that unrealistic a scenario.

Why wouldn't you just drive him home? Surely that would have taken less than 5 hours. Or... make him walk.

Maybe they are 15 and can't drive, let alone own cars? Walking or public transport might not be an option if he lives far and/or in a place with little to no public transport.

She still isn't obligated to entertain him, especially after a breakup. Bar rules can apply here; she could have told him "you don't have to go home, but you're not staying here."

Op said they took him to a movie, so they must've gotten there somehow

I don't see why you couldn't have clarified this with him when you found out that'd what he thought

jcash52426 5

That sucks but it sound like he you 2 are better off just being friends.

Well to be fair it does seem like he was getting mixed messages. But then again I can only see the tiny titbit of text you posted not the entire day.

sporty061200r 8

The movie theater ******** just gave him mixed signals, no wonder he thinks your back on track

Protip: Don't break up with your partner then spend 5 hours with them.

This sounds like an illegal relationship.